Turn Back the Clock on Aging Eyes with Blepharoplasty

As we get older, the lids of our eyes stretch and the muscles weaken. This can cause fat to gather above and below the lids, which leads to sagging, drooping, and bags under the eyes. In some cases this can actually impair your field of vision, making it harder to see things from side to side. Not only can Blepharoplasty help make you look and feel younger, but it can correct the problems sagging and drooping can have on your vision.
Decades of experience with this delicate procedure and other cosmetic surgeries make Dr. Michael Schwartz and Pasadena Plastic Surgery an ideal choice for helping your eyes look younger.
Understanding Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty is a surgery that repairs eyelids, often including removing excess skin, muscle, and fat from the troubled areas. This allows the muscles to tighten and makes the lids look healthier and more alert, as well as restoring vision if the problems with sagging or drooping are making it harder for you to see. It can also lift outer eyelids and reduce puffiness.
How the procedure works
The surgery is an outpatient procedure often done under local or general anesthetic. If both lids are being done, it is most common to start with the upper lid first. In the upper lid, small incisions are made to remove excess skin and muscle. The lower lid is where fat is commonly removed (though it can be either lid) as it contributes to sagging and baggy eyes, with incisions on either the inside or outside of the lower lid under the lower eyelashes.
Tissue might be moved to areas surrounding the eye before the incision is closed. If drooping in the upper lid is a problem, It may be necessary to do ptosis surgery in addition to blepharoplasty. This would give the upper lid muscles more support.
What to expect after the procedure is done
After some time in a recovery room (where you are monitored for any issues and instructed on home care) you will go home. Bruising and some swelling is typical after the surgery is done, but is gone in a couple of weeks. Blurry vision, watery eyes, and light sensitivity are among the possible side effects but are not long-lasting.
The following day you will likely use ice packs frequently, and gently clean your eyelids. Use any prescribed ointments you get after the procedure, and avoid strenuous activity. You will need rest, and you may take OTC pain relievers to help with any minor aches or pains. In most cases, it takes a few months for a full recovery.
As long as you are in good health, chances are good you’ll be able to have the procedure. Call or make an online appointment to see Dr. Schwartz and Pasadena Plastic Surgery and look younger and healthier today.
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