i Lipo Smartlipo Laser Lipolysis For Upper Arms in Pasadena California

The Smartlipo laser is allowing us to melt fat and tighten skin through small punctures without any scars. This is done with light oral sedation and local tumescent anesthesia. In patients who have lost a lot of weight, there is often extra skin and fat in the upper arm. Making a long incision along the biceps groove to remove skin leaves a scar that most patients would prefer not to have. The Smartlipo laser is very effective for tightening the skin here. The results are best in people who are in good shape with moderate excess skin and fat like the patient shown here, however for those with a lot of excess skin, we can expect at least a 50% improvement in skin tightening also.
Dr. Schwartz is using the Smartlipo for arms, back, flanks, abdomen and legs, and is using the new Precision Tx Sidelaze fiber for the face and neck. We are seeing remarkable results in all these areas.
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