Previous lasers have used laser-induced heat energy to break up pigment in tattoos. Patients often endure frequent and painful treatments, requiring 10-20 sessions. Many experience scarring and residual pigment that is resistant to removal. The new Picosure laser from Cynosure has been in development for years, and is now available for tattoo removal. The Picosure utilizes picosecond laser energy that is so must faster than previously-existing laser technology that it breaks up the pigment with mechanical energy. We are now able to remove tattoos in most cases in 3-6 sessions with 4-6 week intervals between treatments. The Picosure treats all pigments except red. The Picosure has also proven to be useful for removing pigmented lesions such as melasma and doctors are now using it to treat similar lesions such as age spots that are bothersome to so many of us.

How a Brow Lift Can Instantly Make You Look Younger
If the aging process has left you with a furrowed, sagging forehead that makes you look older, more tired, or less approachable than you are, a brow lift can take years off your appearance in an instant. Here’s what you should know.